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COVID - 19 First Confirmed case for Hawke's-bay

COVID - 19 First Confirmed case for Hawke's-bay



Please note HBDHB will only be providing the below written statement and will not be doing any further interviews

20 March 2020

COVID-19 case confirmed in Hawke’s Bay

The Ministry of Health today confirmed Hawke’s Bay had its first confirmed case of COVID-19.

Hawke’s Bay District Health Board’s Medical Officer of Health, Dr Nick Jones said the confirmed case was a male in his 30s.

The man has recently returned from overseas and had been in self-isolation since returning to New Zealand on 17 March.

There were no close contacts to follow-up in New Zealand as the man had done everything as he should have, and had followed all precautionary advice including calling ahead to a general practice where he was tested in a carpark. Air travel contacts will be followed up through the national contact tracing service.

Flight information the man travelled on is available here:…/covid-1…/covid-19-current-cases

The man is recovering well and is in isolation in a home on his own.

Dr Jones said there is no wider risk to the community from this confirmed case and he congratulated the man for his vigilance and following the precautionary advice.

Dr Jones said with continued vigilance, the chance of a community outbreak remained low.

We can stamp this out if we follow these simple rules:

· Wash and dry your hands with soap for 20 seconds. Then dry. This kills the virus by bursting its protective bubble
· Stay home if you are sick and you have any of these symptoms: a fever, cough, shortness of breath, sneezing or a runny nose. THEN call your GP, before you visit. If you do not have a GP call Healthline (for free) on 0800 358 5453.
· Self- isolation means staying at home – it’s an effective way to help protect those around you
For more information go to

If you’re returned from overseas in the last 14 days, many of you will already be in self-isolation. However, if you are feeling unwell, or if you have been in close physical contact with someone with a suspect or confirmed case of COVID-19, please stay at home and call Healthline’s free 24/7 dedicated COVID-19 number on 0800 358 5453. Interpreters are available on request.



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