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Ngāi Tahu Archives Team will be presenting at the Hawke’s Bay Arts Festival

Tēnā koutou katoa,
As part of the Hawke’s Bay Arts Festival, the Ngāi Tahu Archives Team will be presenting at the Hawke’s Bay Arts Festival. If you have any questions please get in touch with our Archives Manager Takerei Norton at or 0800 KAITAHU (5248248).
Upcoming Ngāi Tahu Archive talk at the Hawke’s Bay Art Festival
Tā Tipene O’Regan will be presenting at the upcoming Hawkes Bay Art Festival on Sunday 18th October.
This is the sixth year of the Hawkes Bay Art Festival, showcasing a line-up of 100% Aotearoa talent. Events are being held in various locations around the region with the programme including visual arts, music, theatre, dance and panel discussions. Tā Tipene will be leading a discussion alongside Takerei Norton and Helen Brown from the Ngāi Tahu Archive Team about the work of preserving the tribal memory for current and future Ngāi Tahu generations.
Kā Huru Manu: Projects from the Ngāi Tahu Archive
Sir Tipene O’Regan, Takerei Norton and Helen Brown
Understanding the past can be fundamental in creating a blueprint for the future. Ngāi Tahu kaumātua and historian, Sir Tipene O’Regan, will lead a panel discussion with Takerei Norton (Ngāi Tahu Archive Manager) and Helen Brown (Senior Ngāi Tahu Researcher) on the work of the Ngāi Tahu Archive Team in preserving Ngāi Tahu history for future generations. The panel will discuss two award-winning projects from the Ngāi Tahu Archive; the interactive Ngāi Tahu digital atlas Kā Huru Manu ( and the Ngāi Tahu biographies publication Tangata Ngāi Tahu: People of Ngāi Tahu. The panel will also discuss the recently launched online Ngāi Tahu archive database Kareao ( which provides access to over 5,000 records held in the Ngāi Tahu Archive.
For more information about the Ngāi Tahu Archive Team read the recent article published in the Ngāi Tahu magazine, Te Karaka.
Visit the Hawkes Bay Readers and Writers Festival website for more information or to get tickets to the events.
Kā Huru Manu: Projects from the Ngāi Tahu Archive
Sunday 18 October 4pm,
Admission: $20
Venue: Toitoi – Hawke’s Bay Arts & Event Centre

Ngāi Tahu Archives Team will be presenting at the Hawke’s Bay Arts Festival


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