Founding of Tūrangwaewae marae 100 years ago celebrated | Te Ao Māori News
Waikato-Tainui is marking 100 years since the establishment of Tūrangawaewae marae at Ngāruawāhia by tribal leader, Te Puea Herangi. Many of the tribe's...
Heretaunga Marae Waakainga collected news stories and archive from around Aotearoa New Zealand.
Waikato-Tainui is marking 100 years since the establishment of Tūrangawaewae marae at Ngāruawāhia by tribal leader, Te Puea Herangi. Many of the tribe's... Keep Reading
Judith Collins' Aotearoa debate set in motion a wave of hurt. Te Aniwa Hurihanganui reports on the harm done when debate spirals into racism. Keep Reading
Shelley Katae Shelley Katae, of Te Rarawa and Ngāti Porou descent, says she is delighted by her new challenge at the Tāmaki Regeneration Company, where she... Keep Reading
As concerns mount over Covid-19 vaccination hesitancy among Maori, the Manukau District Health Board has teamed up with local organisation Te Kaha o Te... Keep Reading
Some iwi are worried the government's proposed water reforms could undermine - and possibly unravel - their Treaty of Waitangi settlements. Keep Reading
Unintentional injury is the leading cause of death in children in New Zealand, and tamariki Māori are 3.4 times more likely to die from accidents than Pākehā children, a study has found. Keep Reading
The new owner of the popular Hāngi Master trailer that once attracted hundreds of tourists to Auckland's Viaduct wanting to get a taste of Māori traditional... Keep Reading
Ten million dollars of funding for conservation projects in Taranaki is also fostering hapū and whānau, say project leaders. Keep Reading
“There’s not many of us,” Ngā Kaitatau Māori o Aotearoa (National Māori Accountants Network) chair Elizabeth Richards says. Māori make up only 3% of the... Keep Reading
A hub set up three years ago now turns over $2m across its three entities, employs 14 staff, sells products for 49 local businesses, and supports 69 creatives and entrepreneurs through Tukua. Keep Reading
A lead sponsor for the Hurricanes is calling out a board member whose comments about the "percentage of Māori" of sporting tech and broadcasting entrepreneur... Keep Reading
Everyone has an opinion about Covid-19 and Tā Mark Solomon is no exception. He read a story in his local paper in Christchurch suggesting Māori were getting... Keep Reading
Social Development and Employment Minister Carmel Sepuloni says at times of crisis it is often Māori who suffer the most. She says that, because of that, she... Keep Reading
The proposed law change to the Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Registration Bill would allow people to change the sex listed on their birth... Keep Reading
This week the United Nations Climate Panel issued a code red for humanity, saying global warming is dangerously close to spiralling out of control and humans... Keep Reading
Māori director James Ashcroft's first feature film, Coming Home in the Dark, is in cinemas this Thursday. The film brings to life Owen Marshall's frightening... Keep Reading
Taranaki Regional Council has rejected iwi calls for only Māori to have a say when considering Māori wards. Keep Reading
The government is putting $24.1 million in further funding towards Māori trades and training and reducing barriers to employment for rangatahi. Keep Reading
Darryl Thomson – better known in music circles as DLT – says when he met arts icon and educator Sandy Adsett at Te Wānanga o Aotearoa in Heretaunga, “he challenged me”. Keep Reading
The three Māori contestants who have entered are Miss Te Arawa 2020 Ngahuia Hona-Paku, Miss Taranaki 2021 Emma Kingi and Miss Supranational Oceania 2019 Eva... Keep Reading
National to discuss standing candidates in Māori electorates in 2023. Keep Reading
Being Māori has nothing to do with whether or not you can own a house, according to new research from the University of Otago that debunks the myth that... Keep Reading
New Zealand's most decorated Olympian had a very typical reaction to winning her fifth Olympic gold medal. Keep Reading
Maia Mariner (Ngai Tai and Ngāti Koata) was the recipient of the local impact award at this year’s Festival for the Future, Aotearoa's largest social... Keep Reading
Olympic gold medallist Lisa Carrington explains how connecting to her heritage and identity has coincided with an improvement on the water. Keep Reading
Heretaunga Marae Waakainga collected news stories and archive from around Aotearoa New Zealand. Keep Reading
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