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COVID-19 Response Update for 22 October 2021 - new framework

COVID-19 Response Update for 22 October 2021


This update shares key information about the Government’s response to Covid-19. It is intended to provide consistent information across central government, local government, CDEM and our key partners. You are welcome to share this update with others. If you would like to subscribe to receive these updates, please let us know.



Key things to note:

·       There are 129 new community cases; 120 in Auckland and nine in the Waikato. There are five new cases at the border.

·       New Zealand will move to a new COVID-19 Protection Framework when 90% of the eligible population is fully vaccinated.

·       New funding will help businesses transition to the new COVID-19 protection framework.

·       New funding announced to boost Māori vaccination rates.

·       A third dose of the vaccine for severely immunocompromised people is now available.

·       Golden rules for Labour weekend to keep everyone safe from COVID-19.

·       For more information on all of these key points, visit Unite Against COVID-19 and the resources listed at the bottom of this email.


Information about the new COVID-19 Protection Framework

·       High vaccination rates mean New Zealand can take a new approach to managing COVID-19 with fewer restrictions and less reliance on lockdowns.

·       New Zealand will move to the new COVID-19 Protection Framework when 90% of the eligible population is fully vaccinated across each DHB.

·       Auckland will be able to transition when 90% of eligible Aucklanders in each of the city’s three DHBs have been fully vaccinated.

·       The new framework has three levels: Green, Orange and Red:

o   Green is when there could be some COVID-19 in the community but at low levels. At Green, fully vaccinated people can enjoy all events, hospitality and gatherings by showing a vaccination certificate.

o   Orange is when there is increasing community transmission with increasing pressure on the health system. At Orange, everything remains open for people with vaccination certificates.

o   Red is when the virus is spreading in a way that means there’s a need to take action to protect vulnerable people in a community and prevent pressure on the health system. At Red, there will be additional restrictions, but these will be greater for people without a vaccination certificate.

·       Vaccination certificates will provide greater freedoms at each level. There will be extra public health precautions built in at higher levels to minimise the impact of COVID-19 and spread.

·       Businesses that provide services only to vaccinated people can operate at every level of the new framework and without any restrictions at Green and Orange.

·       Cabinet will review vaccination progress on November 29.

·       More information on the new framework is available at

·       Find attached email for Information Pack materials.


New funding to help businesses transition to the new COVID-19 protection framework

·       Funding of up to $940 million per fortnight will be available as part of the Government’s support package for businesses impacted by COVID-19.

·       Resurgence Support Payments (RSPs) will be doubled for businesses affected by higher alert levels, as the country transitions to the new COVID-19 Protection Framework.

·       Ministers have also agreed a $60 million package for business advice and mental health support to help Auckland businesses through the transitional period.

·       As part of the package, $10 million will be available for mental health and wellbeing support through a programme to be designed with the EMA and Auckland Business Chamber of Commerce.


Māori Communities COVID-19 Fund - new funding to boost vaccination rates

·       A $120 million fund has been established to accelerate Māori vaccination rates and support communities.

·       The fund will directly fund Māori, iwi, community organisations and providers to deliver local vaccination initiatives for whānau, and support Māori and communities to prepare for the new framework.

  $60 million will go towards accelerating Māori vaccination rates. A further $60 million will support Māori and iwi-led initiatives to protect their communities. 


A third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine for severely immunocompromised people is now available

·       A third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, recommended for severely immunocompromised people is now available to be accessed.

·       The eligibility criteria is complex and applies to only a small group of people who are severely immunocompromised.

·       People who meet the eligibility criteria will need to be prescribed the dose by their GP or other specialist.


Golden Rules for Labour Weekend (attached)


·       Places in Alert Level 2

-          Wear a face covering when out and about

-          Keep 2 metres apart from people you do not know in public

-          Practice good hygiene - wash hands regularly, cough and sneeze into the elbow

-          Scan in or keep a physical record of wherever you go

-          Stay home if unwell and get advice from Healthline about having a test

-          Vaccination is our best protection against COVID-19. If you’re not vaccinated, get vaccinated today.

·       For Auckland at Alert Level 3

Stay at home, keep your bubble small

-          Wear face covering and keep your distance from people

-          Keep it outdoors. Two households can meet up with a maximum of 10 people — keep 2 metres apart from the other household.

-          People can participate in outdoor exercise groups. Up to 10 people (from up to 10 households) including the instructor can take part, while maintaining a physical distance of two meters

-          Tamariki (children) can have playdates with one other household at a time — as long it is outside, and they do not go inside or use indoor facilities.

-          Travel to Waiheke or Aotea Island (Great Barrier) is restricted to residents only

-          Overnight stays, for example at a bach or in holiday accommodation, cannot happen

-          No travel between regions, except for permitted reasons

-          Vaccination is our best protection against COVID-19. If you’re not vaccinated, get vaccinated today.

-          Stay home if unwell and get advice from Healthline about having a test

-          Practice good hygiene - wash hands regularly, cough and sneeze into the elbow

-          Scan in or keep a physical record of wherever you go

·       For parts of the Waikato at Alert Level 3

-          Stay at home, keep your bubble small

-          Wear a face covering and keep your distance from people

-          People can exercise outdoors, but stay close to home

-          No travel, except for permitted reasons

-          Vaccination is our best protection against COVID-19. If you’re not vaccinated, get vaccinated today.

-          Stay home if unwell and get advice from Healthline about having a test

-          Practice good hygiene - wash hands regularly, cough and sneeze into the elbow

-          Scan in or keep a physical record of wherever you go


People with symptoms in Auckland locations of interest should get tested.

·       People with mild symptoms, including those fully vaccinated and living in the Auckland suburbs of New Lynn, Rosedale, Redvale, and Bayswater should get tested as soon as possible. Isolate until you receive a negative result.

·       This testing helps provide assurance that any undetected spread of COVID-19 in these communities is identified and addressed quickly.


Stand-up and press releases

·       10.00am update

o   Today’s media conference can be found here.

·       Information pack for COVID-19 Protection Framework (email) including several media releases, a slide deck, key messages and FAQs is attached

·       Ministry of Health daily media releases:

o   129 community cases of COVID-19; 5 cases at the border is attached

o   Third primary dose of COVID-19 vaccine available is attached

·       Ministry of Education Vaccination Webinar, register for He wero, he wānanga for Māori Whānau, email is attached

Resources and information

·       Today’s grid and FAQ’s from DPMC containing detailed messaging of the above is attached

·       COVID-19 Resource Toolkit pilot:

o   To use the toolkit you need to create a free account. You 

can then use the toolkit to search and easily download COVID-19 branded assets and resources

o   Alert Level 2 resources

o   Alert Level 3 resources

o   Any feedback or suggestions can be emailed to

·       Translated information is available in 26 languages

·       Information is available in 5 alternate formats

·       For more information:

o   Unite Against COVID-19

§  Website

§  Regional advice for Northland, Auckland and parts of Waikato

§  Facebook

§  Instagram

§  Twitter

o   The Ministry of Health

§  Website

§  Locations of interest

§  COVID-19 current cases



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