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Learn Te Reo Maori Te Whanake PODCASTS

Learn Te Reo Maori Te Whanake PODCASTS


Te Whanake PODCASTS 

Māori Language exercises 

These exercises from  Te Whanake 1 Te Kākano have been designed to support the oral and listening skills that you will be developing in your classes. For each exercise, listen to, and follow carefully, any instructions that you are given prior to a particular exercise. Initially the instructions will be given in Māori and English, but try to become familiar with the instructions in Māori because eventually English will not be used.

In the early stages, you should listen to the exercises you have done to compare your responses with the native speakers' models. In this way, you may be able to improve your pronunciation, stress and intonation. From Chapter Five on, model answers are only provided for the examples at the beginning of the exercise.

The dialogues that begin each chapter of this first book in the Te Whanake series have been recorded to enable you to hear and imitate the correct pronunciation, intonation and stress and to learn the language and meanings of the dialogues.

In learning new language you should make sure that you understand the grammar or usage point before attempting a particular exercise. This is the first step in adding new language items to your spoken and written Māori language repertoire. Each of these grammar or usage points is explained in the relevant chapter of your textbook. Then the second step is to practise the new language. These exercises will help you do that. The third important step is to put them into practice by talking or writing to other people. You should seek out opportunities to communicate in Māori with other learners and with native speakers.


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