Napier couple transfer $500,000 scholarship fund to Hawke's Bay Foundation - NZ Herald

Trust worth half a million dollars transferred to the Hawke's Bay Foundation.
Heretaunga Marae Waakainga collected news and archive.
Trust worth half a million dollars transferred to the Hawke's Bay Foundation. Keep Reading
Otane's treated wastewater discharges through a farm drain to the Papanui stream. Keep Reading
Work on a new wastewater pipeline between Otane and Waipawa has officially commenced this week.Stage one of the project, valued at $1.15m, will see a 3.5km section of new wastewater pipeline installed between the two towns, the first third of the pip... Keep Reading
Dressed in an orange jumpsuit and a pair of angel wings, Michael Angelo says he has one mission – to make people smile. Keep Reading
Whānau have been doing things within lockdown that they wouldn't normally do. Keep Reading
Hawke's Bay District Health Board kaumātua Hawira Hape led the karakia Whakawatea. Keep Reading
Ngahiwi Tomoana of the Iwi Chairs Forum says Māori are getting tired of working with Australian banks, and are starting to reach out to establish... Keep Reading
Case Managers - Hawke's Bay | Hawkes Bay | - New Zealand Government Careers Keep Reading
Kids are missing school because of a cough, but real danger lies in the walls around them. Keep Reading
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board’s acting chief nurse and midwifery officer Karyn Bousfield is thrilled to see nurses at Hauora Heretaunga leading the way in improving access to care for our community, by becoming Registered Nurse Prescr... Keep Reading
Are you a certified chainsaw operator in the Hawke's Bay? Ngāti Kahungunu are putting the call out for volunteers to help chop up 150 tonnes of donated... Keep Reading
Hawke’s Bay Foundation is delighted to invite applications for their 2020 annual funding round. Local registered charities have from 18 May until 22 June to apply online at for a grant. The Foundation considers... Keep Reading
Māori boarding schools in the Hawke’s Bay are taking no chances by offering Covid-19 tests for all their returning students. Principals say they are... Keep Reading
Health Hawke’s Bay – Te Oranga Hawke’s Bay, the organisation supporting the region’s general practice teams, has a new chairperson. Na Raihania was last week elected to lead the organisation by the board of directors. Dr Nico... Keep Reading
There are still seven weeks left for the communities of Napier, Hastings and the Heretaunga Plains to have a say on the long-term health of the region’s waterways. Public consultation on the Regional Council’s TANK Plan change started du... Keep Reading
Ani-Piki Tuari hopes the partnership between the Education Ministry and Māori TV thrives Keep Reading
Zack Makoare is working to keep young people from the brink. He's part of the 'with Māori, for Māori' response to the Covid-19 crisis and its aftermath. Keep Reading
DJ Morris formed a large wooden sculpture on Waimarama beach. Keep Reading
Hastings councillors have voted in favour of a proposal to increase Māori representation on its committees. Keep Reading
Marae could provide valuable support in response to the Covid-19 coronavirus in Aotearoa, an iwi leader says. But another iwi leader is not so keen on the idea. Keep Reading
EIT is pleased to announce that Dr Joe Te Rito has been appointed as Adjunct Associate Professor for a period of three years. Dr Te Rito is currently a Deputy Director for Ako Aotearoa... Keep Reading
A new plan more than six years in the making to manage Hawke's Bay's fresh water is being slammed as fundamentally flawed, with accusations it favours irrigators over the environment. Keep Reading
Local students studying subjects relevant to regional council's work are eligible. Keep Reading
Fleur Wainohu chats to Hawke's Bay Today Keep Reading
Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated has taken on social services professional Ana Carroll to build the partnerships it needs with government agencies to... Keep Reading