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Applications for Youth-Led Funding open now!

Applications for Youth-Led Funding open now!


Tēnā koutou katoa,

Youth-led Fund

Applications for Youth-Led Funding open now!

ECCT’s Rangatahi Rōpū are looking for young people who need funding to run projects in their community.

We are looking for projects that focus on making a positive impact in your community.

  • Project ideas need to come from and be led by young people aged between 12– 24 years. Adults can help and support projects, but young people need to run them.
  • Individuals and groups of young people can apply for up to $5,000.
  • There is no closing date!


Who are we?

We are a rōpū of young people, aged 16-25 years, who are working with ECCT to develop a youth funding action plan. We have $50,000 to fund youth-led projects in the ECCT region. Click on the image below to find out more!


Who can apply?

To apply for this funding, you/ your group must be aged 12-24 years old and live in the ECCT region. Check out this map here to see if you are in the region.


How do I apply?

It is super easy; you just need to tell us a little about you and your project via the online form.

Click here to apply!


What kind of project could get funded?

We are pretty open to what could be funded. The main thing is that it is youth-led. That means that young people have the idea and run it. Adults can help but young people need to organise the project. Applications for the funding need to come from young people, not adults.

Your project could be an event or a longer-term project. It can be something you are doing for other young people or it could be something aimed at the whole community, or a part of your community (for example, something for kaumatau or for little kids).

Here are some ideas to get you thinking:

  • organise a sports event
  • make and promote a film
  • hold a wānanga at a local marae
  • run an environmental project
  • create a youth market
  • promote te reo in your community
  • start a youth website
  • run a youth art exhibition
  • do something for the whole community
  • paint a mural.

Your project can be as long or as short as you would like it to be. All projects need to be completed by December 2021.


How much funding can we apply for?

Any amount between $100 and $5,000.


Do I have to be in a group to get funding?

No, you can just be you and your mean idea!

It’s always good to get people onboard to help with your project, but you can make your grant application as an individual.

What happens after I apply?

We want to have a chat with you to get a feel for what you want to do before we make a decision about your project, so don’t forget to put your number in the application form. Someone will contact you within two weeks of applying.

We are all aged between 16 and 25 years too, so don’t be shy!

Rōpū members will then make a decision about funding your project.


What else do I need to know?

Projects run by young people with an affiliation to a religious group may be considered however projects must not be religious in their purpose or content.

Projects need to have an organisation that can receive the funds on their behalf (a Fund Holder) for example your college, an official club or a not-for-profit organisation. We can help you sort this out if you haven’t got an organisation you can go to.

Don’t worry if you don’t have all the answers about how it will happen. We can help with those things.


 Need more info?

  • Contact Emma Haxton
  • Email:
  • Messenger: Eastern & Central Community Trust
  • Facebook: @EasternandCentralCommunityTrust

Helpful resources:

Youth-Led Fund Poster A4 PDF

Youth-Led Fund Poster A5 PDF

Youth-Led Fund JPG



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