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Hui-a-Iwi HDC Representation Review Information 4th Aug 2021 at TTOH

Hui-a-Iwi HDC Representation Review Information 4th Aug 2021 at TTOH

Hui-a-Iwi held 4 August 2021
HDC Representation Review Information
Tēnā koe,
Thank you for attending our Hui-a-Iwi last night at Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga.
Please find attached the presentation from guest speaker Ross McLeod of Hastings District Council.
If you would like to put forward a submission online, please click here to complete the survey.
If you have further questions that you would like answered, please email your question to
Please remember that submissions for the HDC Representation Review closes this MONDAY, 8 AUGUST 2021.
The Māori Electoral Option, another vital matter, was also discussed at the hui last night. The Māori Electoral Option occurs every five to six years. It is a four-month period where Māori voters can choose to move between the General or Māori rolls. The government is considering whether the timing and frequency should be changed. For more information about this go to
Submissions for the Māori Electoral Option closes TOMORROW on Friday, 6 August 2021. Email to submit your feedback.
Please share this information with your whānau and communities.
Nāku noa, nā,
Alexandra (Lana) Bartlett

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