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Ka Māpuna Launch 25th Nov 2021

Ka Māpuna Launch
Nau mai, haere mai. Welcome to the launch of Ka Māpuna Towards a Rangatiratanga Framework for the Governance of Waterways (and Te Taiao)
The launch is 4.30 pm 25th November, Room GBLT1, VUW Law Faculty at the back of the Law building), 55 Lambton Quay, Pipitea, Wellington
Planning has been uncertain with Covid-19 , and now we are proceeding with shorter notice. At the venue there will be refreshments, Covid-19 permitting.
This is an in-person event with zoom available. The link is provided below. Please use the passcode highlighted to let yourself in.
Email with any queries and to RSVP if you would like to attend in person for the purposes of catering and Covid-19 planning.
You are welcome to share the invitation,
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 858 6005 7412
Passcode: 340931
One tap mobile
+6498846780,,85860057412#,,,,*340931# New Zealand
+6436590603,,85860057412#,,,,*340931# New Zealand
Ngā mihi
for the Research Team NZ Māori Council, Betsan Martin, Linda Te Aho,
Distributed by:
Sam Morgan
On behalf of Donna Hall
Woodward Law
04 560 3680

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