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Māori Electoral Option

Māori Electoral Option
The Māori Electoral Option is a four-month period during which Māori voters can elect to exercise their option to move between General or Māori electoral rolls. This takes place every five to six years.
Apart from when they first enrol to vote, this four-month period is the only time when Māori voters can change electoral rolls. The last Māori Electoral Option was in 2018 and the next one is due to happen in 2024.
You can find out more information about the Māori Electoral Option on the Electoral Commission’s website at
What’s happening?
The Government is considering whether the timing and frequency of the Māori Electoral Option should be changed.
If you have any feedback you would like to share with us, you can email us at
We welcome your thoughts on the Māori Electoral Option before Friday, 6 August 2021.
Nāku noa, nā,
Alexandra (Lana) Bartlett

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