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Ngati Kahungunu Wairoa Taiwhenua Inc 2021 Triannual Election Results

Ngati Kahungunu Wairoa Taiwhenua Incorporated

2021 Triannual Election Results

Group 1 - three nominations
Jasmine Heta - 10
Theresa Thornton - 8
Ngaire Culshaw - 7
By majority of signatures Jasmine Heta and Theresa Thornton are duly elected
to the Wairoa Taiwhenua Board.
Group 2 - one nomination
Katarena Edwards - 8
Katarena Edwards is duly elected to the Wairoa Taiwhenua Board with one
vacancy to fill.
Group 3 - two nominations
Nigel How - 9
Naomi Wilson - 7
Nigel How and Naomi Wilson are duly elected to the Wairoa Taiwhenua Board.

Group 4 - two nominations
Katarina Kawana - 12
Merianne Orolowski - 12
Katarina Kawana and Merianne Orlowski are duly elected to the Wairoa
Taiwhenua Board.
Group 5 - two nominations
Henare Mita - 11
Esta Wainohu - 9
Henare Mita and Esta Wainohu are duly elected to the Wairoa Taiwhenua

Group 6 - one nomination
Alice Wairau - 4
Alice Wairau is duly elected to the Wairoa Taiwhenua Board with one vacancy
to fill.

At the AGM held 8 November 2021:
 Nigel How was elected as Chairman for a three-year term
 Naomi Wilson was elected as Deputy-Chairman for a three-year term

 The duly elected Board officially took office

Nigel How,
Chairman of Ngati Kahungunu Wairoa Taiwhenua Incorporated,
Board Member of Ngati Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated.


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