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Te Haaro Board Nominations - last week for nominations

Te Haaro Board Nominations -
last week for nominations
Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga Board of Trustees Election 2021
Pack Contents
This information pack contains the following documents:
Introduction and key information
Nomination form
Trustee governance guide
Trustee position description
Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga is a community leader, a not-for-profit Charitable Trust, and the mandated political leadership entity for Heretaunga. In this capacity we carry out a large and diverse range of mahi every day, from medical to environmental, from marae and community development to school attendance. Our structures and values are kaupapa Māori. Our purpose is to lead the advancement of all Heretaunga whānau. Mauri Ora ki te Mana Māori – strong whānau, vibrant communities.
Elections for Te Haaro board of trustees of Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga will commence in October 2021. This is an opportunity for the marae of Heretaunga to put forward leaders with the time and skills for the demanding task of governing a large and increasing complex business during unprecedented times, in conjunction with the protection of its founding kaupapa, to strengthen the cultural, physical and spiritual wellbeing of the people of Heretaunga.
Te Haaro o Te Kaahu, ki Tuawhakarere – The view of the hawk beyond the horizon is our future.
Marae o Heretaunga
The 14 Heretaunga marae represented on Te Haaro Board are:
• Ruahāpia • Rūnanga • Taraia
• Te Aranga • Te Āwhina • Waipatu
• Waimārama
Key Election Facts
Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga is the iwi-mandated authority for Heretaunga
Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga Board of Trustees, Te Haaro, is elected every three years
There are 14 trustee positions up for election in October
Candidates for Te Haaro Board of Trustees must 18 or older, and registered with NKII
For the purposes of this election registrations with NKII will close on 20 September
Candidates must meet all the legal requirements to become a Trustee
Each marae may elect one trustee to the board
Eligible voters have one vote at one marae
Voting will be conducted through a private ballot box at each respective marae in the event of an
election being carried out
Nominations for the 2021 election must be lodged via post or email on or before the nomination closing
date and time
Nomination forms must be fully completed by both the nominator and the candidate
Chair and Deputy Chair Nominations
Nominations for Te Haaro Chair and Deputy Chair positions will come from the pool of Te Haaro trustees elected in October 2021. If more than 1 nomination is received for each position an election process will take place in December and results announced on 23 December 2021.
Trustee positions will be backfilled following fulfilment of Chair and Deputy Chair positions. If there is more than one nomination for the marae trustee position a by-election will take place at the respective marae.
Election Timeline 2021
20 September 2021:
4 October 2021:
12 -28 October 2021:
2 November 2021:
12 November 2021:
19 November 2021:
3 December 2021:
17 December 2021:
17-23 December 2021: Backfill vacancies created following Chair and Deputy Chair 24 December 2021: Declaration of results
Trustee nominations open
Trustee nominations close (12 noon)
Election hui held at each marae
Official election results released
Chair and Deputy Chair nominations open
Chair and Deputy Chair nominations close (12 noon)
Chair and Deputy Chair voting opens (if more than one nomination is received) Chair and Deputy Chair voting closes
28 January 2022: Pōhiri for new Board of Trustees
Contact and Information
The Returning Officer for the Te Haaro Board of Trustee Election is Jennifer Hatton, or 06 871 5350, ext 7829.
For further enquiries or for any pātai that are not answered in this pack please direct to the Returning Officer.
Trustee Governance Guide
As a Trustee of Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga, you will have a complete induction programme aimed at deepening your understanding of Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga, the way it operates, your role and responsibilities.
There are three common areas of misunderstanding among new Trustees.
1. Your Role
It is a common misconception among new Trustees that they have been elected to represent the interests of their marae/hapū.
Your primary, legal duty is to always act in the best interests of Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga as an organisation, and all its beneficiaries, not only the marae/hapū that elected you. The Trustee role is no different from that of a Director on a Corporate Board, with the same legal obligations and responsibilities.
2. Governance-Operations
Another misconception is that Trustees are appointed to oversee daily operations at Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga. This is not correct. There is a clear legal distinction and separation of the roles of governance and operations.
The Board employs the Chief Executive Officer, who oversees running daily operations at Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga. The CEO reports to the board, enabling it to make informed decisions in relation to governance.
3. Conflict of Interest
All Trustees should be aware of the potential for Conflict of Interest.
From time to time situations may arise in which individual trustees could have, or could be perceived to have a personal stake in matters to be considered by the Board. In such situations, Trustees may be considered ’conflicted’.
As stated above, your legal obligation is to act in the best interests of Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga and all its beneficiaries.
Trustee Position Description
The Organisation
Established in 1985 Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga was the first legally formed Taiwhenua within Ngāti Kahungunu. Based in Hastings, Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga delivers kaupapa Māori health, education, housing and social services to members who either whakapapa to Heretaunga marae or reside in the rohe.
Since its inception Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga has continued to evolve and adapt to the ever-changing needs of the wider whānau it serves, including our hapū and marae of Heretaunga. With approximately 12,000 members receiving direct services and benefits, Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga reaches many through a range of programmes and initiatives aligned with its long term strategic objectives – Ngā Kāinga (Homes), Oranga (Wellbeing), Whanake (Community Development), and Ōhanga (Prosperity).
In 2020 Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga set out its strategic plan covering the five year period 2020 – 2025. This plan clearly articulates how it intends to contribute to the wellbeing and uplifting of all whānau within the Ngāti Kahungunu rohe in which it operates, and how it intends to create the necessary organisational culture and high-performance leadership at all levels to be successful.
Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga has defined success for the organisation as ‘demonstrable improvement in the quality of life for whānau it engages with’. This definition ensures that the value of the organisation’s work is always defined from a whānau perspective and led by the expressed needs of whānau.
To find out more about the organisation view: Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga Strategic Plan 2020 -2025
Statutory Duties
The statutory duties of each Te Haaro Trustee are:
To ensure Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga pursues its objectives and charitable purposes as defined in the
To ensure Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga complies with its governing document (constitution), charity law,
company law and any other relevant legislation or regulations.
To ensure Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga uses its resources exclusively in pursuance of its objectives.
To contribute actively to the role of Te Haaro Board in giving firm strategic direction to the organisation –
defining goals, setting targets and evaluating performance against agreed targets.
To ensure the financial stability of the organisation.
To safeguard the good name and values of Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga.
To ensure the effective and efficient administration of the organisation.
To maximise the assets and minimise the liabilities of the Trust.
General Responsibilities
The general responsibilities of Te Haaro Board Trustees are:
Organisation knowledge
Maintaining a working knowledge of the foundation documents specific to Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga (constitution, mission and values, strategic plan, policies “rules”).
Ensuring the Board functions in accord with Ngāti Kahungunu ki Heretaunga tikanga.
External environment monitoring
Maintaining awareness of potential future external influences on the achievement of Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga strategic goals.
Minimising potential conflicts of interest Preparing for Board meetings
Notifying the Chair of any individual absence.
Being mindful of the Board’s overall roles and responsibilities:
Establishing and maintaining foundation documents.
Devising, implementing and continually updating strategies.
Monitoring performance.
Ensuring compliance.
Making an active and thoughtful contribution to meetings while avoiding irrelevant matters or statements.
Assisting Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga directly as follows but only as agreed and recorded by Board meetings, acknowledging the difference between governance and administration tasks and using the Trustees external networks where appropriate:
Providing specialist advice or expertise to the organisation
Involvement in Te Haaro Board committees or Rūnanga
Lobbying or representing Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga to external parties.
Trustee Competencies
The following competencies listed are sought in elected Trustees. While it is not expected that any appointee would possess all these competencies, strong skills in at least some areas and a willingness to learn are essential. A balance of various skills across Te Haaro Board will be sought.
Governance orientation
An understanding and performance of governance functions and distinguishing governance from management.
Understanding of what Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga represents, its values and what is required to protect this.
The knowledge and contacts to effectively report to the hapū/marae which has elected the Trustee.
Informed business judgment
The ability to make sensible, astute business decisions and recommendations based on reasonable assumptions and factual information, including the ability to deal with uncertainty, risk, incomplete information and complexity, both in the present and extending out several years.
Social services
Understanding the wider area of social services for Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga members.
Perspective or vision
Possess the ability to see the wider picture and future opportunities and risks, the possible implications and impact of these and in particular to take an intergenerational view.
Compliance knowledge
Understanding and complying with fiduciary responsibilities and legal frameworks for trustees and directors in NZ.
Financial fluency
Understanding basic financial concepts to assess current financial performance and maintain a focus on future financial conditions.
Critical thinking
Able to analyse, assess, evaluate, distil and question information.
Strategy and culture
Able to contribute to strategy formation and implementation and the development of organisation culture based on vision and values. Maintains a strategic outlook and reflects on strategic goals when monitoring achievements and variance from plans, comprehending relevant external environments.
Quantity vs. Quality
Understanding the need to balance growth against maintaining high quality outcomes.
Performance monitoring
Experience in setting and monitoring key performance indicators that are consistent with strategic goals.

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